
An old woman went to market and bought a pig;

HNR 837

An old woman went to market and bought a pig;
Pig had four legs,
But pig would not go.
Well, says the old woman, what shall I do?

She went a little farther and she calls to a dog,
Dog, dog, bite pig,
Pig will not go,
And I should have been at home two hours ago.
But the dog would not.

She went a little farther and she calls to a stick,
Stick, stick, beat dog,
Dog won't bite pig,
Pig will not go,
And I should have been at home two hours ago.
But the stick would not.

She went a little farther and she calls to a fire,
Fire, fire, bum stick,
Stick won't beat dog,
Dog won't bite pig,
Pig will not go,
And I should have been at home two hours ago.
But fire would not.

She went a little farther and she calls to some water,
Water, water, quench fire,
Fire won't bum stick,
Stick won't beat dog,
Dog won't bite pig,
Pig will not go,
And I should have been at home two hours ago.
But the water would not.

She went a little farther and she calls to an ox,
Ox, ox, drink water,
Water won't quench fire,
Fire won't burn stick,
Stick won't beat dog,
Dog won't bite pig,
Pig will not go,
And I should have been at home two hours ago.
But the ox would not.

She went a little farther and she calls to a butcher.
Butcher, butcher, kill ox,
Ox won't drink water,
Water won't quench fire,
Fire won't burn stick,
Stick won't beat dog,
Dog won't bite pig,
Pig will not go,
And I should have been at home two hours ago.
But the butcher would not,

She went a little farther and she calls to a rope,
Rope, rope, hang butcher,
Butcher won't kill ox,
Ox won't drink water,
Water won't quench fire,
Fire won't burn stick,
Stick won't beat dog,
Dog won't bite pig,
Pig will not go,
And I should have been at home two hours ago.
But the rope would not.

She went a little farther and she calls to a rat,
Rat, rat, gnaw rope,
Rope won't hang butcher,
Butcher won't kill ox,
Ox won't drink water,
Water won't quench fire,
Fire won't burn stick,
Stick won't beat dog,
Dog won't bite pig,
Pig will not go,
And I should have been at home two hours ago.
But the rat would not.

She went a little farther and she calls to a cat
Cat, cat, kill rat,
Rat won't gnaw rope,
Rope won't hang butcher,
Butcher won't kill ox,
Ox won't drink water,
Water won't quench fire,
Fire won't burn stick,
Stick won't be at dog,
Dog won't bite pig,
Pig will not go,
And I should have been at home two hours ago.

Then the cat began to kill the rat,
The rat began to gnaw the rope,
The rope began to hang the butcher,
The butcher began to kill the ox,
The ox began to drink the water,
The water began to quench the fire,
The fire began to burn the stick,
The stick began to beat thedog,
The dog began to bite the pig,
The pig began to go;
So it's all over, and the old woman's home again now.


Bower Mother Goose